Monday, May 10, 2010


After reading Solutions, I feel that Keen has good points, but can be unrealistic at times and has the tendency to try and argue anything possible. His solutions are thought out but some do not look like they will ever truly succeed. His idea of making a website for experts to go on will not work. How is anyone going to monitor who is really and expert? He talks about how anyone can write on Wikipedia and the information is false, so how can you have a website where you think only experts on putting information on it? The way the web is rapidly growing, it most likely is not going to change. Little things can be added but over all nothing really drastic is going to change. People like the way it is and the more advance the better it is for everyone. 

Monday, April 26, 2010

Web 3.0

Technology is enhancing everyday and sooner or later a new wave of technology is going to happen. I feel that this change from web 2.0 to web 3.0 is going to happen very quickly by the looks of how advance technology is getting each day. I feel that web 3.0 is going to be a way of technology that is going to keep people even more connected and aware of what is going on around them than it is already. To be honest, I feel that the more advanced technology is going to get the less and less privacy people are going to have and it is going to start getting very out of control. I feel that web 3.0 will be much more visual and virtual than the past web 1.0 an 2.0. Websites and games are going to be much more graphic and realistic than they are already and will be taken to the next level. I feel that web 3.0 will be enjoyed greatly by society and people in advertising, game studies, the media, and others are going to benefit a great deal from all the new technology that is waiting to begin. 

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

midterm part 2

Using photoshop and illustrator, I wanted to show how my new media i wrote about for the mid term is looked at. The new media shows how the brain can actually tell a person if they are in love or if it is just affection. This shows how a person would have the thought process on weather or not there parts of the brain would register if they are in love or not.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Illustrator Proposal

1. Describe what kind of visual component you would like to create to accompany your essay

 I would like to create a visual that will advertise the product I wrote about. I want to show an advertisement add that could be used in stores, billboards, ect to promote the new media. Also, to show how people will benefit from using the new product as well. 

2. What tools/techniques in Illustrator / Photoshop will you be using?

 I will be probably do some type of a collage so  I will use the layering option from photoshop. Also I will be using the shape tool, color tool, feather tool, and others.

3. How to you envision your completed digital illustration?

I envision my illustrated very lively and eye catching. I want it to be made so when people see it they want to look at it an see what it is all about. It will be done professionally so people would not look at it as a fake media or not professionally used.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Midterm Assignment - Brain on Love

In today's world, new innovations, mediums, and products are being formed everyday. Because of the technology, we are capable of coming up with new ideas and projects that people never thought could happen. The use of advertising and marketing is used to promote these new mediums to people in so many different ways. We as a culture love new ideas and new products and everyone wants the hottest and newest thing out so people who are advertising know exactly how to draw the people to its product.

Shown on the website, there is a new machine that does a scan of your brain showing the three different parts of your brain that have to do with the love and passion for another in ones life. One area of the brain controls the sex drive which distributes testosterone through out the body. This part of the brain does not really show if the person is in love because the feeling of lust and attraction can be towards a stranger. The second part of the brain studied, is the part that registers romance. This area of the brain releases dopamine which the pleasure system of the body. This is the feeling that drives the first year of a relationship. But the third part of the brain is what really shows if there is true love in the relationship. It shows the attachment of one person to another oxitocin which is a hormone that make you feel attached to another person. 

The way one would have to go about to advertise this new medium is to take complete control and action of it and be able to show and share it across the world in many different ways. If I personally was going to advertise this, I would form websites., have our public relations get onto talk shows, commercials, facebook fan pages, ect. The more publicity the more people will talk about it and the spread of word on the product will have people talking about and grow a curiosity about it. Also, having celebrities test it out will draw people to want to do it as well.

This new medium has the ability for people to actually see if the person they are with truly loves them or if it is just a sexual relationship that they have. It is a type of technology that everyone secretly wants to know if the person they are with really loves them and it will be a way of finding an answer to the question they want to know. Neuromarketing can be used to advertise this medium because it measures a consumer's preference instead of getting a verbal response to a question asked. This medium is used by testing the brain so there is no better way to use neuromarketing for it. People will be able to see for themselves the results and can see other peoples results as well. To advertise, people would be influenced in trying the product out if they see famous people who have done it and have had positive outcomes from the experience with the medium. They think that it could be the answer to their problems when it comes to the relationship they are with. 

When creating a new medium, you have to publicize it to the people in a way where they feel like they are special to be apart of the culture that uses the medium. You want to make the people feel a certain way, a way that they would not feel from any other type of medium culture. For example, Apple gives off this vibe that the people who use and own mac computers, ipods, phones, ect are young, cool, exciting, and interesting. It is a culture that makes people want to be apart of so it is emotionally branding people so they want to be apart of it. When advertising for the product you have to show in the advertisement the culture the people want to be apart of. Commercials with young people, new music, the hottest celebrities at that time are examples of how one would go about forming the culture that people will want to be apart of. 

When marketing this project, one may want to try doing rhetorical marketing. Asking people questions that they already know the answer to but without giving them the answer. For example, "Do you want to know if your significant other really loves you?" It will draw peoples attention to the advertisement because they want to know how they can go about finding this answer out. Placing this advertisement with that type of question on billboards on highways would be a great way for the people to see. People are always thinking while they are driving and that billboard could be the answer to the problem they could be thinking about. The advertisements must be placed where people are going to see them. For example, big cities, malls, on websites, ect. Besides the major areas to advertise for this product, you have to advertise as well places that are not well known or seen by the usual group of people. For example, late night commercials; majority of people may be sleeping but there are still people awake and they can spread the idea through word of mouth. Also, maybe have promoters go to stores, colleges, games, concerts, an other entertaining places and speak about it to the people around to inform them on what it is and how it works. 

Product placement across the media will probably be the best way to get the word out about a product. Television shows, the radio, the internet, and magazines are what people look at and use. Nothing travels faster than the media so people will be informed about it very quickly. Having the product shown on television programs like Oprah, The View, or Good Morning America will have people buzzing about it instantly. If shown on these types of shows, people will think that it must be a legitimate product because these are highly respectable shows that millions of people across the country watch day in an day out. The success of the product will sky rocket once celebrities begin to use it and when they talk about it in the media the average person will want to try it as well. For example, Jessica Simpson does the commercials for Pro Active so people think that it must work if she is using it. People are always going to want to do and use the things that the celebrities  are using so marketing through them is the way to successfully promote something.

The marketing plan for a product like this one is to take advantage of the areas that you know will succeed. Through the media is going to be the most effect way to promote this product so people will hear and see about it instantly and all around the world. Although the process will be expensive, you have to show how it will really benefit yourself and show how you do not want to continue wasting your time with someone who you do not love or does not love you back. Advertising for this  product will succeed when psychologically marketing so you really get personal so the person  can relate to it themselves. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

For the midterm assignment I will be doing choice one. The future techniques of persuasion. I do not know yet which future product or business yet that I will be doing though. 

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Social Media Questions

1. I don't believe that professional production values will drop--the "homegrown" look is carefully constructed as an artistic touch to the media. This technique makes media seem more accessible and easier for amateur productions to recreate. However, amateur content will definitely improve--the quality of media has been rapidly increasing with technological advancements in the past few years, and there is no reason to expect anything less for the future.

2. Alexander McQueen:
our tags: dead, asphyxiation, twitter, mother, funeral, fashion week, Lady Gaga, Givenchy, Gucci, bold, outrageous, homosexual, shoes
Digg tags: designer, fashion, alexander, mcqueen, obit, icons, suicide

Our tags were much more in depth than the delicious tags; we looked at more smaller topics rather than the overall subject of the article. The fundamental ideas were the same, however; the delicious tags were more concise than ours were though.

3. Transparency is always an important concept, in my opinion. If ethics are not considered in every aspect of life, then the quality and authenticity of our interactions suffers greatly. It is not necessarily more or less important in different venues, but the action of being transparent does indeed change with the medium. Transparency is so important because the people you are communicating with need to be aware of the veracity and motivation for what you are saying. This transparency aids in the decoding of the message being sent and allows the receiver to better interpret the information being presented

digital nation part 2

After completing the video I was really educated on what technology is doing to us as a society. I was very shocked at the place where kids would go and play video games that had to do with war. I think that the reaction people had about it was a little too serious and not necessary. The games are not there to teach them how to fight, and the kids said it themselves that they know that the video games are not like what it is really like to be at war. To be shut down for that is ridiculous and no one would actually feel that they are trained enough to fight in a war based on the skills they have from playing a video game.
 Another part of the video that grabbed my attention was the amount of people who play video games. People play these games and have relationships with the people they are playing with and they have never met these people before in there lives. These people will play these games for years and never know what the other person looks like until they see each other at an annual convention. It fascinated me as a viewer to see these people at the conventions and how they could meet a significant other through the video games. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Analysis of "Digital Nation"

From watching the first part of "Digital Nation", It really opened my eyes to see how obsessed people are with being in contact with others at all time. It seems that it effects the younger generation more then the older generation and as the years pass it continues to get worse and worse. Kids are getting cell phones in elementary school and are growing up with computers and new technology so it is almost hard to blame them for being so involved with it. 
It was interesting to see how people think they can multi task and succeed at it. I know that from a personal experience, if  I am in class and texting and on the internet all at the same time I know that it is very hard for me to concentrate on what is going on in class. College kids especially are  obsessed with knowing what everyone is doing at all times. Some people have with draws if they do not check their facebook pages five times a day. As I AM writing this blog my room mate is on facebook, using Instant messaging, listening to music, and doing homework all at the same time.
It surprised me how when someone is surfing the web they use more of their brain then if they are reading an actual book. To me I don't see how that is possible since when your surfing the web it is done so quickly, while reading a book it takes time and more concentration. I also think that the amount of radiation everyone is being exposed to whether its cellphones, ipods, laptops, ect, it is going to affect them in the long run. I know people who sleep with their phones in the bed with them, there is no way that that could be good for someone. 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Web 2.0 terms

User-generated content is refers to various kinds of media content, publicly available, that are produced by end users.

Network as platform describe network services for internet scale distributed computing.

Long tail is a retailing concept describing the niche strategy of selling a large number of unique items in relatively small quantities. Usually in addition to selling fewer popular items in large quantities.

Folksonomy is a system of classification derived from the practice and method of collaboratively creating and managing tags to annotate and categorize content.

Web syndication
is a form of syndication in which website material is made available to multiple other sites.

Mass collaboration is a form of collective action that occurs when large numbers of people work independently on a single project, often modular in its nature.

Computer supported collaboration research focuses on technology that affects groups, organizations, communities and societies, examples are voice mail and text chat.
hosted services is a business that delivers a combination of traditional IT functions such as infrastructure, applications

Web applications
is an application that is accessed via a web browser over a network such as the internet or an intranet.

Social-software encompasses a range of software systems that allow users to interact and share data.

Video-sharing sites
allows individuals to upload video sites to an internet website.

is a website that allows the easy creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a WYSIWYG text editor.

is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.

is a digital media file containing any or all of text, graphics, audio, video, and animation, which recombines and modifies existing digital works to create a derivative work.

When putting this collage together, I wanted to show viewers the message and what the new Apple Ipad. The new technology shows how lighting speed it is and the advancement of it. The Ipad is a great use of music and will take the place of using hard cover books. Because of its new advances, everything is done with just the touch of a finger in an instant.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This is the Sony's Blue Tooth Wireless Speakers.

This is the new Apple Tablet Computer, it has not been released yet.

This is a 3-D Television