Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Analysis of "Digital Nation"

From watching the first part of "Digital Nation", It really opened my eyes to see how obsessed people are with being in contact with others at all time. It seems that it effects the younger generation more then the older generation and as the years pass it continues to get worse and worse. Kids are getting cell phones in elementary school and are growing up with computers and new technology so it is almost hard to blame them for being so involved with it. 
It was interesting to see how people think they can multi task and succeed at it. I know that from a personal experience, if  I am in class and texting and on the internet all at the same time I know that it is very hard for me to concentrate on what is going on in class. College kids especially are  obsessed with knowing what everyone is doing at all times. Some people have with draws if they do not check their facebook pages five times a day. As I AM writing this blog my room mate is on facebook, using Instant messaging, listening to music, and doing homework all at the same time.
It surprised me how when someone is surfing the web they use more of their brain then if they are reading an actual book. To me I don't see how that is possible since when your surfing the web it is done so quickly, while reading a book it takes time and more concentration. I also think that the amount of radiation everyone is being exposed to whether its cellphones, ipods, laptops, ect, it is going to affect them in the long run. I know people who sleep with their phones in the bed with them, there is no way that that could be good for someone. 

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